Cut Off Funding for the War
Cut Off Funding for the War Submitted by davidswanson on Mon, 2005-11-07 23:02. Activism
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Congressman Jim McGovern (D-Massachusetts) has introduced legislation to stop funding the deployment of U.S. Armed Forces in Iraq: H.R. 4232, the "End the War in Iraq Act of 2005." The bill would allow Defense Department funds to be used only to provide for: the safe and orderly withdrawal of all troops; consultations with other governments, NATO, and the UN regarding international forces; and financial assistance and equipment to either Iraqi security forces and/or international forces. In addition, the bill would not prohibit or restrict non-defense funding to carry out reconstruction in Iraq.
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The following members (all Democrats) are original co-sponsors: Frank, Schakowsky, Serrano, Velezquez, Woolsey, J. Lewis, D. Payne, Waters, Stark, C. Kilpatrick, Kucinich, B. Lee.
There is not much chance of it passing, but at least it keeps the discussion going, and keeps the pressure on.
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