A recent version of the NYT carried this article. (It's a
blogsafe link, so it should still work even after the article goes into
the archive.)
Who's Mentally Ill? Deciding Is Often All in the Mind
Published: June 12, 2005
THE release last week of a government-sponsored survey, the most
comprehensive to date, suggests that more than half of Americans will
develop a mental disorder in their lives.
The study was the third, beginning in 1984, to suggest a significant
increase in mental illness since the middle of the 20th century, when
estimates of lifetime prevalence ranged closer 20 or 30 percent. [...]
That evolving understanding can have implications for diagnoses. For
example, in 1973, the American Psychiatric Association dropped
homosexuality from its manual of mental disorders, amid a growing
realization that no evidence linked homosexuality to any mental
impairment. Overnight, an estimated four to five million "sick" people
became well.
More common, however, is for psychiatrists to add conditions and
syndromes: The association's first diagnostic manual, published in
1952, included some 60 disorders, while the current edition now has
about 300, including everything from sexual arousal disorders to
kleptomania to hyposomnia (oversleeping) and several shades of bipolar
"The idea has been not to expand the number of people with mental
conditions but to develop a more fine-grained understanding of those
who do," said Dr. Ronald Kessler, a professor of health care policy at
Harvard Medical School and lead author of the latest mental health
Naturally, I was curious about this, so I looked up the study,
meanwhile feeling irritated by the lack of a direct reference to the
study. I know the NYT thinks hyperlinks are beneath their
dignity, but even a printed reference would be nice. Anyway,
this appears to be the study:
Prevalence and Treatment of Mental Disorders, 1990 to 2003
Ronald C. Kessler, Ph.D., et. al.
NEJM Volume 352:2515-2523
[...] Results
The prevalence of mental disorders did not change during the decade
(29.4 percent between 1990 and 1992 and 30.5 percent between 2001 and
2003, P=0.52) [...]
In the NYT article's second paragraph, the author stated "The study was
the third, beginning in 1984, to suggest a significant increase in
mental illness..." Yet the first sentence in the
section of the abstract states no such thing. In fact, the
study shows that the small increase from 1990-2 to 2001-3 is as likely
as not (P=0.52) to be a mere artifact of the study design or
implementation. The study is not about any possible
change in lifetime incidence from the middle of the 20th century to the present
The aim of our study
was to present more comprehensive data on national trends with regard
to the prevalence and rate of treatment of 12-month mental disorders
based on the NCS, conducted from 1990 to 1992, and the NCS Replication
(NCS-R), conducted from 2001 to 2003.
One potential point of confusion is that the NYT author, Mr. Carey, emphasizes discussion of
lifetime prevalence, which is a different statistic than the
12-month prevalence
numbers emphasized in the NEJM article. That is not
necessarily a problem, although it would have been good for him to take
a moment to clarify the point. Even allowing for that, the
guy made a mistake. Earlier studies may have indicated a
lifetime prevalence of 20-30%, but the NEJM study does not address that.
The mistake, however, actually is not what this
post is about, although I do take pains to point it out.
Rather, if you read the NYT article, then read the original
study, you would not have any idea that the former had anything to do
with the latter. So what, exactly, is the article about?
It appears that Mr. Carey used the occasion of the publication of the
NEMJ article to blather on about his own ideas about mental health
diagnosis and treatment. Snarky readers, no doubt, realize
that what Carey did is exactly what I often do in this blog, so who am
I to be critical?
Good question. The answer is that this is a
blog, but the New York Times is a
If someone is going to write an article that starts out with:
"THE release last week of a government-sponsored survey, the most
comprehensive to date, suggests that more than half of Americans will
develop a mental disorder in their lives...", then it seems that the
article should be about the study.
If the author wants to take the opportunity to express his varied
opinions, and connect all kinds of things that are not directly
connected, fine. Just do it on the op-ed page; or better yet,
get a blog and do it there.
Although I disagree with a lot of what he says, it still is an
interesting article, and is worth reading. It would make a
great blog post. The problem is that, if the reader is not
careful, it would be possible for the reader to get the impression that
the opinions expressed by the author are backed up by the scientific
article he has cited, or at least by some of the scientists he quotes.
To be fair, Carey does not make any declarative statements of opinion; rather, he implies them, as in this section:
But what does it mean
when more than half of a society may suffer "mental illness"? Is it an
indictment of modern life or a sign of greater willingness to deal
openly with a once-taboo subject? Or is it another example of the
American mania to give every problem a name, a set of symptoms and a
treatment - a trend, medical historians say, accentuated by drug
marketing to doctors and patients?
The NEJM article says
nothing about drug marketing. None of
the other experts, of those quoted in the article, are quoted as having
said anything about drug marketing. Carey does not cite,
specifically, any studies about drug marketing. (There have
been such studies, but none is cited.) I agree with the
implication, that drug marketing is an interesting topic; I've
probably posted on that subject at least a dozen times, and cited
studies, but he offers this question, with no attempt to answer it.
Is it true that drug marketing accentuates the American mania to give
every problem a name? Is it even true that it is an
mania, or even a mania at all? If so, what name should we
give to a mania about giving things a name? (
Diagnosomania, American
type, severe, with obsessive features?)
Note that I do not mean to impugn the entire newspaper, nor do I intend
to imply that any of Mr. Carey's other articles are suspect in any way.
I just want to point out that readers need to be careful when
reading these kinds of articles, regardless of who wrote them, or where they are published.