
Sunday, June 26, 2005

Partner Up With Me In Opposing Spammers

I just got this e-mail from contact@youngnationalist:
I've heard a lot of great things about your website and wanted you to take a
moment to visit our site www.youngnationalist.com it's the only political
entertainment site geared towards conservatives on the web. Its only 4 months
old and already has an Alexa ranking of 29,000. The site has outperformed major
sites and has created a dynamic buzz in its short existence. I think our sites
can be beneficial to each other in the form of a link exchange. Please respond
as soon as possible and let me know where our link will be located and we?ll
get going.

Again Great site and I look forward to partnering up with you.

W. Michael Stevens
I've gotten requests for reciprocal links before.  All have been reasonable, obviously based upon a personal reading of Corpus Callosum.  The blurb above must have been sent by a robot that scans blogs and looks for email addresses.  "I've heard a lot of great things about your website."  Sheesh.  "I look forward to partnering up with you." Double-sheesh.

Besides, I disagree with what it says.  There are many conservative sites that are entertaining.

Spam messages can be forwarded to spam@uce.gov.  It goes without saying that people should consider avoiding any kind of business with spammers.  This is the third spam message I've gotten at the email address that I use specifically for this blog.  In response, I am going to change the email link to a dummy email account that automatically forwards to spam@uce.gov.  I also will post an obfuscated but correct email address.