Additions to the Blogroll
- Stratfor:
I used to read their weekly geopolitical intelligence reports, then
somehow got out of the habit. They are a great source of
information, enough so that they get a featured link.

Iraq, Iran and Saudi Arabia
Jun 03, 2004
By George
United States has clearly entered a new phase of the Iraq campaign in
which its relationship with the Iraqi Shia has been de-emphasized while
relationships with Sunnis have been elevated. This has an international
effect as well. It obviously affects Iranian ambitions. It also helps
strengthen the weakening hand of the Saudi government by reducing the
threat of a Shiite rising in strategic parts of the kingdom that could
threaten the flow of oil. The United States is creating a much more
dynamic and fluid situation, but it is also enormously more complicated
and difficult to manage.
- I-Merge: Oddly named, but what else is new in the Blogosphere? This is a blog with interesting illustrations and .
- Friends of the Commons: An organization that advocates sensible social policies:
What might America look like with a healthy balance between commons and market? Here are some glimpses:
A market sector that pays its way
Polluters and other commons users pay for usage rights. Pollution,
advertising and congestion are reduced. More money flows to common
purposes, without higher taxes.
A stronger democracy
Spectrum fees cover most electoral campaign costs. Fewer elected
officials are indentured to monied interests.
A culture of popular participation
An open Internet hosts diverse commons and provides access to other
media. There are shorter copyrights and new legal vehicles for sharing
creativity. Funding flows to the arts, non-commercial radio and TV.
Science in the public interest
University research focuses on common needs. Most discoveries remain in
the public domain.
Every baby a trust fund baby
Everyone receives, as a birthright, a cash inheritance and yearly
dividends. This income comes from rent charged for use of scarce common
assets. The commons thus becomes a source of sustenance for all, as it
was in pre-industrial days.
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