I Hope Santorum Comes to Ann Arbor...
...But he's too much of a coward.
The "honorable" Senator Rick Santorum
(that's a googlebomb link; also see official page here) has come
under fire, because a small group of young ladies wanted to protest his
well-publicized homophobic comments, at a book signing in Delaware.
I found this royal
link at King of Zembla, who credits Suburban
Guerrilla. SG quotes an
article at Common Dreams Newscenter,
which in turn quotes an opinion
piece by Al Mascitti of Delawareonline.com.
(Del. state trooper helps enforce Rick Santorum's
'family' values)
The young ladies, all in their late teens, were ejected from the premises of Barnes and Noble by an off-duty state trooper. One of their mothers went to have a talk with the cop, and was ejected summarily. None of them even set foot inside the building, much less created any kind of disturbance.
If he does come to the Barnes and Noble in Ann
Arbor, I'll make sure he gets an appropriate welcome. Hell,
I'll even get my right
earlobe pierced for the occasion. I think
my wife would understand; in fact, she'd probably go along with me.
The young ladies, all in their late teens, were ejected from the premises of Barnes and Noble by an off-duty state trooper. One of their mothers went to have a talk with the cop, and was ejected summarily. None of them even set foot inside the building, much less created any kind of disturbance.

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