
Monday, February 14, 2005

Grand Rounds Reloaded

Grand Rounds XXI has been posted at Sumer's Radiology Site.  This is a weekly roundup of medically-related posts from the Blogosphere.   Dr. Sethi did a nice job, and put up an attractive presentation as well. 

Since my last medical post was about radiology, and about Grand Rounds, I submitted it.  The Editor's Choice distinction went to Dr. Hildreth, at The Cheerful Oncologist.  It's followed by an interesting discussion about pain medication. 

I won't review all the posts; that's the editor's job. 

However, I will point out the post on Circadiana, a blog devoted to the study of circadian rhythms.  Everything You Always Wanted to Know About Sleep ..., is a pretty good title, and it's a subject of great interest, to me, at least.