
Saturday, May 22, 2004

"You All Will Be Destroyed"
An Explanation

On /19/2004 I posted a graphic with the caption "You All Will Be Destroyed."  The comments indicate some confusion about this.  Hmmm, I thought, why did I post that?  Well, it goes like this.  I got an e-mail from one of my sisters, saying "check this out."  It turns out that a brother-in-law has put up some T-shirts for sale via Cafeshops.com. 

Dennis, and his twin brother David, are design wonks of a sort.  Dennis used to design furniture.  In fact, he used to make furniture out of concrete.  Yes, the hard, heavy stuff.  It turns out that it is possible to make comfortable furniture out of concrete.  It fits in with some kinds of architectural design, although it is not good for houseboats or tree houses. 

I did not know Dennis very well when my sister graduated from Michigan State (with a degree in Landscape Architecture.)  She had some of the concrete furniture in her apartment.  When it was time for her to move out, where was Dennis?  I don't know.  I ended up being the one to move that damn concrete furniture.  My foot still hurts from that.  Dennis is smarter than I am.

So now he is selling T-shirts.  The designs are a bit odd, in an obliquely humorous way; some of them have a sly political message, without being overtly political. If you know the characters who came up with the designs, they make sense.  I have no idea if they make sense to anyone else.