
Sunday, April 25, 2004

From The National Council of the Churches of Christ

Earth Day 2004

100 U.S. Church Leaders Write Bush on Clean Air;
NCC Offers April 25 'Earth Day Sunday' Resources

In an Earth Day 2004 focus on clean air, nearly 100 U.S. national and state Christian leaders today sent a letter to President Bush expressing their grave moral concern and dismay over the President's stewardship of America's environment, charging him with weakening critical health standards including those in the Clean Air Act. Their concerns also are reflected in a national ad set to run soon in The New York Times.  Thousands of congregations across the United States will continue the focus on air in their celebrations of Earth Day Sunday, using resources prepared by the National Council of Churches' Eco-Justice Working Group, "Life-giving Breath of God: Protecting the Sacred Gift of Air." Click here to download those resources. See also:

(link via Truthout)