Moral Relativism In Action
Link skipping this morning, I happened across of tangle of posts about
the topic of moral
relativism. TO give
credit where it is due, I first encountered a link on Majikthise,
then Left2Right,
then Yglesias.
All very erudite, but with something missing.
What is missing from those posts is a good, concrete
example, to help people know moral relativism when they see it.

Naturally, comedians had a field day with this, but most people recognize that Mr. Bush was being culturally sensitive when he kissed and held hands with the Crown Prince. Nothing wrong with that: it would be considered proper in the Prince's own culture. If Bush had done it with Dick Cheney, that would have been indecent. That's moral relativism.
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Naturally, comedians had a field day with this, but most people recognize that Mr. Bush was being culturally sensitive when he kissed and held hands with the Crown Prince. Nothing wrong with that: it would be considered proper in the Prince's own culture. If Bush had done it with Dick Cheney, that would have been indecent. That's moral relativism.
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