Obligatory Fair-and-Balanced Post
The Corpus Callosum presents itself openly as a left-of-center blog,
but occasionally, in the interest of being fair and balanced, I devote
some of my precious blogspace and your precious bandwidth to amplify
the voices of those with whom I disagree.
Today's selection comes from the chairman of the Warren County Republican Party. (North Carolina)

Today's selection comes from the chairman of the Warren County Republican Party. (North Carolina)
Don't buy from DieboldI have two things to add. First, I would like to point out that Diebold also makes ATMs. Then, I would like all of those persons involved in purchasing decision at banks and similar institution to ask themselves if they really want to do business with Diebold. After all, if the company can't secure our votes, do you really think they would bother to secure a little thing like money. Don't buy from Diebold.
To the editor:
North Carolina's recent history of elections problems raised concerns among citizens, statewide, casting doubt on a process that must be beyond question, beyond suspicion, beyond reproach.
Warren County's own history of elections problems has tainted the county's citizens' opinion of our local board of elections even though the county officials involved have been, thankfully, long removed from office.
It has only been during the past two years that any level of citizen confidence has been restored in the integrity, credibility and competence of the Warren County Board of Elections.
It is the opinion of the Warren County Republican Party that this confidence may again be shaken due to the lack of clarity surrounding the North Carolina State Board of Elections certification of Diebold as a provider of electronic voting machines for use in our state.
Several newspaper articles, editorials and published commentaries have raised questions about the process in which Diebold's certification was obtained. Further questions have been raised relative to State Board of Elections Commission Chairman Larry Leake's relationship with a Diebold lobbyist. And, as you know, the State Board of Elections is being sued for alleged statutory violations in their certification of Diebold as a provider of electronic voting machines.
The Warren County Republican Party respectfully asks that no taxpayer money be appropriated for the purchase of electronic voting machines from Diebold, or any other provider, until such time as all questions regarding the certification process and the relationship between Chairman Leake and Diebold's representatives have been satisfactorily answered.
Mike Wilburt,
Note to readers: The writer is the chairman of the Warren County Republican Party.

graphic was found at Diebold Variations. There's more
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