The Bush Files

Using Bloglines to browse
through various sources, I came across a link on Daily Kos. This link goes to
Suskind's site. The site promotes his book, and his speaking
engagements, but also provides a way to view some of the source
documents used in The Price of Loyalty. I'm glad he did
this. I had filed an FOIA request with the Dept. of Treasury to
obtain this material. After I sent it, I wondered where I could
get the online storage space, for free, to post the contents of several
CDROMs. Now it looks as though I won't have to.
The Bush Files are an unprecedented public
offering of documents drawn from a collection of 19,000 files of Paul
H. O'Neill, the U.S. Treasury Secretary for the first two years of the
Presidency of George W. Bush. Like all Treasury Secretaries, O'Neill
was the top domestic appointment of the President and also a principal
of the National Security Council. The documents, initially posted here
are the ones mentioned in The Price of
They range from memoranda to the President to handwritten notes to
"sensitive" internal reports, cover a sweeping array of foreign and
domestic issues. Read The
Bush Files.
If I do get the CDROMs, and if Suskind does not post all of the documents, I still will try to make all of the documents available freely.
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